Old School New Body

5 Exercises That Age You Twice As Fast

by Steve and Becky Holman

If you're over 40, you need to know about these 5 "aging exercises." Becky and I see men and women our age doing these exercises all the time. And believe you me...they pay for it.

These supposedly "healthy" activities cause your joints to give out, your skin to wrinkle faster, and can even damage your heart.

This isn't just our opinion. The exercise and medical community are beginning to talk more about what's called The Danish Paradox.

A group of Danish researchers found that certain exercises lead to age-related death in test subjects. They exercised the wrong way, and for too long. The result: they died just as fast as the subjects who never exercised at all.

However, the group that exercised the right way and for less time lived much longer. They aged slower. They looked better. And they avoided premature death. That's a heck of a deal!

What I'll be sharing today represents not only the latest scientific evidence on exercise and aging. It represents our life's work. Becky has been a fitness expert and advocate for over 20 years. And my many years as editor-in-chief at Iron Man Magazine allowed me to peer into the secret routines of the world's top anti-aging experts.

Over the years, both Becky and I have picked up SO many tips, tricks, and strategies that have allowed us to literally reverse the aging process, at least from a cellular level. That means our body's look, feel, and MOVE younger than our chronological age.

The absolute key to our success has been
avoiding these 5 exercises.

Some of them we avoid entirely. Others we modify into what we call ageless exercise.

This is not fantasy talk. This does not require a boatload of anti-aging drugs, supplements, or gimmicks. And, this works for anyone, male or female, and works at any age. 35, 45, 55, 65, 75... you name it. The biology is exactly the same.

Now, before I dive in, let me give you fair warning:

This approach to exercise isn't for everyone. We are "old school." Becky and I believe that you get exactly what you put into anything you do. We don't believe in free-riders, or being politically correct. We're not into "soft." If you are, then a hot yoga class may be more suited for you.

We're here to tell it like it is.

Over the past 25 years, I've seen the world go "soft"... soft bellies, soft words, and soft promises. And if you're anything like us, you like things the way they used to be. You're not afraid of working hard and earning your keep. You believe you get what you pay for. You believe you're not entitled to anything but what's fair and right.

If that's you, you're in the right place today.

So read on with an open mind. If you're doing any of these 5 exercises, you owe it to yourself to change your approach to weight loss and health.

The good news is there are fantastic alternatives to each of these 5 aging exercises. Naturally we feel our approach is best. You'll work hard, but you'll work SMART. You'll spend less time and see even better results.

Let's dive in...

Aging Exercise #1:

Did you know that long bouts of exercise, particularly running, can increase your risk for a heart attack? This is due to the fact that running creates a condition known as athlete's heart. It sounds like something you want, but it isn't. It's an enlarged heart. And it's deadly.

One recent study revealed that younger runners (under age 40) who suffered a heart attack were almost seven times less likely to survive than runners over 40.

That's not the half of it. Running causes increased stress on the "youth joints": your knees and hips. Multiple studies point to the fact that strong legs and agile joints are a sign of youth. Yet running is by far the hardest exercise on these joints, often leading to an early demise.

Becky and I have often noticed that folks who run a lot look and feel older than those who use "ageless exercises" like we suggest. I'll give you a list of those on the following pages…